Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Revamp A Tazo Tea Tin

I write this as I rush out the door. I have been absent lately because I am working during the day for awhile, at least until Oct. 14th.

 But I thought I would show you what I'm working on. I love Tazo tea tin's. The shape, the sturdiness make then something I like to keep around.

I revamped this one by mod podging paper and then gluing ribbon on it. It's a great idea to give to a friend. You can tailor make the tin into something your girlfriend would like. How about a theme~A Jane Austen Tea Tin or an I Capture The Castle Tea Tin (with tea stained doilies inside).

You can fill the tin with whatever you want. An assortment of your friends favorite teas perhaps or cookies or keep the tin for your self and put pencils or whatever you can think up inside. The sky's the limit. The good thing about these tins is that they always smell good inside.

Ciao for now!


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